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Scholarship. Service. Sisterhood. Finer Womanhood.

Service is every day, and Service is what we do!


Gamma Mu Zeta is proudly active in participating in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated's national programs, as well as creating and maintaining successful partnerships with national and local partners-including partnerships on some initiatives with other divine nine organizations. Our Adopt-A-School is at Jesse Bobo Elementary School. Our Elder Care initiative is in partnership with Peachtree Center in Gaffney, SC - as well as various other projects. Our Adopt-A-Road is on the Campus of USC-Upstate in partnership with our undergrad chapter, Pi Rho. We continue to support March of Dimes, Relay for Life, Mental Health Awareness, Alzheimer's Awareness, Domestic Violence Awareness, Autism Awareness, Back to School Drives, Social Action causes, Education/Scholarships, Environmental advocacy, Homeless and/or needy initiatives, Health and Wellness, Active military and veterans, and the list goes on. We also proudly work alongside our sister Zeta chapters, our auxiliaries, and our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated- THE ROYAL BLUE AND WHITE FAMILY!!!!!

We are proud advocates for those who need us most!


Life is certainly a journey, and sisterhood matters. Gamma Mu Zeta's MSK (My Sister's Keeper) initiative helps us to continuously keep in touch and support each other, and our Sisterhood Moments are opportunities for ALL of our sorority sisters to come together and enjoy Finer Fellowship. We also fellowship with our auxiliaries, fraternity brothers, the divine 9, and our community. 




President's Welcome


Tara M. Bryan
President of Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter

Greetings from the Ladies of Gamma Mu Zeta!

As the Chapter President, we welcome you to our official website. Zeta Phi Beta
Sorority, Incorporated, Gamma Mu Zeta (GMZ) chapter was chartered on May 1, 1948
in Spartanburg, South Carolina and has provided over 76 years of service to our
community. We are a diverse chapter with Sorors of all ages, talents, and professional
careers. We strive daily to uphold our Sorority’s founding principles of Scholarship,
Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood.
I am excited to lead this amazing chapter into our next phase of Finer. We have served
our community well by participating in walks and fundraisers for the March of Dimes and
American Cancer Society. We have donated items and time to the Spartanburg Soup
Kitchen, Elder Care, Project Rest, and Adopt a School to name a few. Along with our
auxiliaries, the Zeta Amicae of Spartanburg, Youth Auxiliaries (Pearlettes, Amicettes,
and Archonettes), and the Zeta Male Network, our desire for our community is to leave
a lasting Zeta imprint by devoting our time, resources, and leadership to the various
initiatives which would allow our community to thrive and grow.
This site will provide you with information on our chapter, membership opportunities,
and community service projects. Please take the time to explore our website to learn
more about us, our auxiliaries and upcoming events.
Thank you for visiting our virtual home. Please contact us if you have any question.
Follow us on social media via Facebook and Instagram.
We Are Spartanburg Zetas!!

With Sisterly Love,
Tara M. Bryan
President, Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated

Finer Womanhood


"the distinguishing characteristics of a woman-one superior in kind, quality or appearance, marked by or affecting elegance or refinement."

-Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.-


"Finer Womanhood is embodying the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman.

Finer Womanhood represents character, integrity, and perseverance."

Dr. Melisa Bush

South Carolina 2021 Zeta of the Year





The Finer Woman

An Acrostic

Written by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. member, Evelyn L. Foster, Lambda Chapter



The Finer Woman Is:

Faithful to duty;

Ideal of womanhood;

Noble in character;

Engaging in manner;

Responsible to a trust;


Womanly in conduct;

Obedient to a higher self;

Magnanimous in spirit;

Affable in receiving others;

Noteworthy in deeds;

Hospitable to strangers and guests;

Obliging to neighbors;

Open hearted to the poor and needy;

Deserving of praise.




Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has eight regions: Eastern, Great Lakes, Midwestern, Pacific, South Central, Southeastern, Southern, and Atlantic.


Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter is located in the great state of South Carolina, which is a part of the      "Second to None" Southeastern Region.


Thank you again for visiting our official Gamma Mu Zeta chapter website. Please relax, and continue your journey by visiting the pages in our menu located at the top of our site. We hope that you enjoy learning more about our illustrious, Oh so sweet sorority and our beautiful, oh so glorious chapter. Please feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!

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